Entry 74, May 26th, 2011, 12:14am (ship time GMT +2)
The orchestra was busy today. We played a big band set in the early afternoon, and then had a rehearsal for tonight's motown act. The big band set went just fine, but the rehearsal was rough. Many of the arrangements had serious notational issues. The biggest problem was that half of the charts couldn't make up their mind which trumpet was playing lead. I would be the top voice, and then Rob would be, and then I would be, back and forth – “Dancing on the Ceiling” switched every single phrase! It was a mess.
The singer can't read music (another one . . . sigh . . .) and so he had no idea that there were any problems. We explained it to him in vocalist terms, though, and he understood – and then offered to pay us to fix the charts! The musical director and I split the problem arrangements (three each) and so I spent two or three hours between the rehearsal and the first show working on my computer. It was an easy thirty bucks (I wanted to fix the charts further, but I would've needed the other horn parts), and proof that opportunity exists in every situation.
I guess this officially makes me a copyist!
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